10 out of 10 dentists recommend avoiding this TikTok trend
10 out of 10 dentists recommend avoiding this TikTok trend

A new TikTok trend has sprouted where users film themselves shaving down their teeth with nail files in an attempt to save money on dental work.Dental work can be extremely expensive — a typical cleaning, which dentists recommend getting twice a year, can cost up to $288 per visit .That $288 is for what is deemed a “preemptive visit,” meaning dentist visits for more serious problems can wrack up a lot more costs.Hence, why this TikTok trend sadly makes sense for people who are unhappy with their teeth but can’t afford to visit a dentist.Dr. Benjamin Winters, who goes by The Bentist on social media, posted a response to the trend on his Instagram.“that set amount of enamel, once you go through it, you hit your nerve and blood and pain and nastiness, it’s just terrible,” Winter explains.Not only is it physically painful, but it permanently alters the shape of your tooth .One mistake can ruin everything and then you’ll really need to see a professional