Comcast Would Like To Remind You That Mother Nature Is Gender Fluid…Series About Gay & Trans Animals
Comcast Would Like To Remind You That Mother Nature Is Gender Fluid…Series About Gay & Trans Animals

Anyone who keeps up to date on the media knows that Comcast/NBC/MSNBC is all in the bag for leftist causes.

There isn't a CRT or "anti-racist" or trans or LGBTQAI+ position they won't take a pro-progressive position on.

So this shouldn't come as a surprise.

Disgust, yes.

Surprise, no.

NBCUniversal's Peacock is launching a new series about gay and transgender animals.

Maybe Alex Jones wasn't wrong when he said, "they're turning the frogs gay!" Well maybe that was an entertaining fiction, but if the corporate media has any say, they'd like to make that a reality.