Chiefs Harrison Butker Delivers EPIC Commencement Speech, Sparks Meltdown & Controversy | Ep 695
Chiefs Harrison Butker Delivers EPIC Commencement Speech, Sparks Meltdown & Controversy | Ep 695

Unlike his critics, NFL kicker Harrison Butker is fearless.

The Chiefs star used an invitation to deliver the commencement address at Benedictine College to spread a pro-God, pro-family message.

Apparently, that’s not allowed in today’s society, not even at a Catholic institution.

Now, Butker is facing backlash from feminists, the NFL, and even the municipality of Kansas City.

Jason dives into the controversy and calls out those protesting the loudest, like Shannon Watts, a gun violence prevention activist and the founder of Moms Demand Action, who used the debate to blame guns and the Second Amendment.

Butker espoused common sense.

The fact that his statements have been deemed controversial is proof of lethal delusion.

Delano Squires joins “Fearless” to share his perspective on Butker’s love letter to common sense and a biblical worldview.