Vocal Guitar Cover - Tupac : Thugz Mansion
Vocal Guitar Cover - Tupac : Thugz Mansion

Greetings, and here's to hoping you enjoy my vocal guitar cover of Thugz Mansion by Tupac.

I think I live in Thugz Mansion..

Not even kidding I'm deep in the hood bro.

If you came here we could kick back, and forget about it all lol.

The music video for this song is one of the best I know of.

Worth a watch if you haven't.

If you stayed to listen until the end just know that it's appreciated so much.

Brought to you semi live through Audacity, and a mixer any fool could afford.

My only hope is that I could help you learn, experience, or far more likely watch some dude destroy the song you love.

Still you get to hear it minus 500 studio layers, and any verifiable talent, and real musicians often dig that β˜―β™ΎπŸŒŽ