We Eat RFK Jr.’s Brain Worm LIVE | Guests: Chase Geiser & Andrew Wilson | Ep 188
We Eat RFK Jr.’s Brain Worm LIVE | Guests: Chase Geiser & Andrew Wilson | Ep 188

On this episode of "Prime Time with Alex Stein," Alex has gotten a hold of the worm that ate part of RFK Jr.’s brain!

Yes, apparently presidential candidate Robert F.

Kennedy Jr. literally had a parasitic worm devour part of his brain.

Joined in the studio by Infowars host Chase Geiser, Alex eats the worm live to get some much-needed protein.

Next, we bring on “Whatever” podcast contributor Andrew Wilson!

He discusses his recent episode with the Patriot Barbie, Lindsey Graham, and Kendall in Kentucky and the ensuing fallout.

Finally, we react to the viral clips of the day, including a newly trending clip about 9/11.

Don’t miss this episode of “Prime Time with Alex Stein”!