Ma Rhea Hera and the Ferris Wheel, in 1893 (Loki S2 E3) Part 2 | Marvelous DeMystifiers 28
Ma Rhea Hera and the Ferris Wheel, in 1893 (Loki S2 E3) Part 2 | Marvelous DeMystifiers 28

The highly anticipated return of the Marvelous DeMystifiers brings us to the second part of our analysis of Loki, Season 2, Episode 3.

In "1893" we find the Chicago World's Fair setting densely packed with the symbolic fingerprints of the ancient wisdom and mystery traditions.

The Major Arcana lens reveals many more gematria clues for the Sun and the Star cards, the role of the Queen of Heaven and her creator-god consort Kronos, and of course, we must discuss that crazy Ferris Wheel.

Tune in for an educational experience, regardless of your familiarity with the television series, Loki.