The constant struggle for freedom - SB735/HB1955 - Silver and Gold
The constant struggle for freedom - SB735/HB1955 - Silver and Gold

A thinking person should be horrified by what is going on in this country.

At times, it seems like a race between politicians on who can sell out this nation the fastest - a race to the bottom.

Distractions are everywhere and the divisions between the people are growing.

The divisions are what keep the people from unifying - this is by design.

Prayer and critical thinking are tools that people need to use EVERY day.

The freedoms you have (or do not have) are directly proportional to the size and scope of government.

This is a universal truth no matter your state or country.

The mechanics to repeal a tax or downsize government are almost impossible at best.

A thinking person who KNOWS this to be true will work to prevent any further expansion of government.

We'll discuss this AND the status of silver and gold legislation and MUCH more.