US Era of Dictating to the World is Over!!
US Era of Dictating to the World is Over!!

The United States has warned Iran about sending short-range missiles to Russia.

But really, is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

Why is Iran supplying Russia with surface-to-surface ballistic missiles?

Is this a message to the US?

Or a sign of strengthening military cooperation under US sanctions?

Meanwhile, the US and EU are sending more weapons to Ukraine.

It's hilarious and frankly pathetic that the collective West is behaving this way.

Hypocrisy at its finest!

So, let's get this straight.

The US is warning Iran about sending missiles to Russia, while they themselves are sending weapons to Ukraine.

The irony is not lost on us.

It's like a real-life game of politics and power plays.

But who's really calling the shots here?