NDE Bryan DIDN'T Want To Come Back, Felt Sorry For Humans On Earth | Widowmaker | Soul Trap
NDE Bryan DIDN'T Want To Come Back, Felt Sorry For Humans On Earth | Widowmaker | Soul Trap

Hello Friends, I hope this message finds you well.

Today (12/24/23 at 12:45 AM EST) we will be going over the Near Death Experience (NDE) of Bryan.

This is one of the more interesting cases that I've run across and I'm fairly certain that many of you will find it to be well worth your time.

Even though Bryan has spoken that he experienced 3 NDEs during the time of his widowmaker heart attack I think what we are hearing him describe is more than likely a combination of NDEs & OBEs.

Like many NDErs Bryan also went through a very difficult period of time in the mind, body, and spirit once returning back to Earth.

By sharing and talking with others about his experiences things have improve.

This case will serve as further evidence in support of the matrix reincarnation soul trap.