Newsom is Running in 24, Russia Is Training For a Nuke Strike & Should Turkey Be in NATO? | Ep 641
Newsom is Running in 24, Russia Is Training For a Nuke Strike & Should Turkey Be in NATO? | Ep 641

Any doubts on whether or not California governor Gavin Newsom was running for president in 2024 should be cleared up now after the tyrannical figure made a trip to China to meet Xi Jinping.

Meanwhile at home Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are showing again why the Democrats need to move on with more dumb comments, Mike Johnson is being put forward for Speak of the House.

Donald Trump and others weighed in on his candidacy.

Overseas Russia has stated that they have begun nuclear strike training and Turkey's Erdogan says Hamas are not terrorists, but rather liberators.

Given that stance and their role in Armenia should Turkey even be in NATO?

Finally Camryn Kinsey joins the show to discuss chaos in America and our nation's youth.