Ep. 114 - Get Biblical Principles For Planning Your Everyday Life From Pastor Robert J Morgan
Ep. 114 - Get Biblical Principles For Planning Your Everyday Life From Pastor Robert J Morgan

Jesus knew God had a unique plan for His life and He wanted to make sure He was busy accomplishing His mission.

Like Jesus, God has an agenda for our life.

Are we doing exactly what He called us to do?

Author, speaker, and Bible teacher Robert J Morgan has over thirty-five books in print with six million in circulation covering topics ranging from how to live more and worry less, to the top Biblical strategies for living with purpose.

Robert also gives daily 59 second sermons that will benefit parents and children alike.

He explains the importance of starting each day in the Word of God and focusing on one day at a time.

Master the major issues in your life, marriage, and as a parent, and live a purposeful, productive, Christ-like life every minute of your day.