Ep. 96 - Mark Klassen Gives Benefits of Joining the Christian Crew Online Gaming Community
Ep. 96 - Mark Klassen Gives Benefits of Joining the Christian Crew Online Gaming Community

A whopping 76% of kids classify as active gamers.

So let’s get them connected to other players in a God-centered gaming community where they can deepen their relationship with the Lord.

Get a fresh take on video games from Mark Klassen, Council Member of The Christian Crew.

In addition to the great gaming community they offer online, the Christian Crew hosts a weekly Bible study to help gamers grow in the Lord together and they have a weekly prayer night to pray over requests that come in throughout the week.

They also have a Discussion Den which allows players to tackle tough topics they want addressed and Free Game Nights give new gamers a chance to jump in the fun for free.

If you have an avid gamer in the home, joining this gaming community is a must!