20230908 Fri PM Night Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary on Top News
20230908 Fri PM Night Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary on Top News

Quick Daily News Rewritten Headlines Series.

Today's PM Headline Skim News: {Friday PM., Wealthy People In Florida Have Fun-Media is Jealous, Biden and Teachers Union Leader-Kids Covid Policy, Is National Guard At Border Allowed to Fight Illegal Aliens?, Ukraine Still Mad at Musk, Newsome Forgets that Old Biden is Also Dementia Biden, Hot Skinny Chick Had Sex w Rich Men-Bikini Pic, Ashton Kutcher Defends Convicted Rapist, Zelensky Says About Putin & Nukes, Aide to NYC Mayor Paid by Communist Chinese, Carjacker Kills Lady-But He's Sorry, Judge Refuses Meadows Federal Case Request, China Wants US Military to Take Chinese Military Jobs, New Situation Room Likely w Modernized Tech, Bernie Sanders Looks 90yrs Old, Feeling Truth isn't Really Truth-LGBQ+Trans+, Alabama Deputy & Girlfriend-Murder Suicide, Tattoo'ed Cop Kills Man Sitting In Car, Families Hog Walking Paths, Click Bait!} This PM Night Time presentation of the news headlines moves quickly and as we make up our own version of dumb headlines.

What can you determine from the headlines and can you quickly move on with your important day?

Can you resist clicking on click-bait headlines and photos?

Resist digging into stories about so-called 'Stars' of music, sports, movies.

Be in-the-know without being in the mud!

Skim headlines and move on.

20 minutes to assess the top news headlines is plenty.