Raging Canada Wildfires; Belgium Farmers Protest; Farage's #Dontkillcash Campaign Success 8/20/23
Raging Canada Wildfires; Belgium Farmers Protest; Farage's #Dontkillcash Campaign Success 8/20/23

Weekly World News Report- Officials in western Canada’s British Columbia implored tens of thousands of residents to heed evacuation orders Saturday as “rapidly evolving” wildfires threatened large parts of the scenic Okanagan Valley, including the city of Kelowna.

BELGIUM — More than 500 farmers protest against the government’s radical nitrogen policies imposed on the farming industry.

Nigel Farage hands GB New's 'Don't Kill Cash' petition to No.11 with 300,000 signatures.

Banks must offer cash within three miles of your home.

In less than a month, the campaign gathered nearly 300,000 signatures, with viewers responding in droves to fears about Britain’s increasingly cashless society.

In horrifying news out of the UK, British nurse Lucy Letby, 33, has been found guilty of killing seven newborns and attempting to murder six others during her time at the Countess of Chester Hospital in 2015-2016.

The guilty verdicts make Ms. Letby the most prolific serial killer of children in recent British history.