Ed Dowd Reveals New "Bombshell" Data That Looks Like A Cover Up w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew
Ed Dowd Reveals New "Bombshell" Data That Looks Like A Cover Up w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew

"Something’s going on with our workforce that we've never seen before," warns data analyst Ed Dowd, whose investigation appears to show an alarming increase in disabilities following the rollout of mRNA vaccines.

"The signals found here are just ridiculous and it looks like a cover up." ••「 CALL IN & LINKS: https://drdrew.com/7182023 」•• Ed Dowd – a financial analyst and co-treasurer for Robert F.

Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign – discusses new data from his research of the COVID-19 pandemic, with Dr. Kelly Victory and Dr. Drew.