6-11-2023 | Song of Solomon - Part 1 | Lionheart Restoration Ministries
6-11-2023 | Song of Solomon - Part 1 | Lionheart Restoration Ministries

This Sunday, Mike McClung begins a series on the Song of Solomon.

In this message, Mike gives an overview of the book and discussed the first few chapters.

The Bridal Soul begins her journey as a laborer in the kingdom of God: saved, but with a dim view of the Lord Jesus.

A spark of desire has started in her that longs for more of the Lord.

She is awakened to His invitation to more than just work, and her journey with Him begins.

This is a call to all of us in the Body of Christ, and if we choose to accept, the Lord will lead us on a wild adventure that transforms us into His image, and ultimately, into a part of the Bride that will marry Him upon His return.