BNN (Brandenburg News Network)  5/25/2023 - Nuclear facilities in Michigan - Kay Cumbow
BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 5/25/2023 - Nuclear facilities in Michigan - Kay Cumbow

Kay Cumbow is a retired respiratory technician, who lives in Lynn Township, St.

Clair County, Michigan - one of the counties that successfully stopped a nuclear waste dump for 7 states roughly 30 years ago.

She got involved with nuclear issues due to meeting Darlene Keju, a woman from the Marshall Islands, who was a victim of U.S. atomic testing in the Marshalls.

Kay was a board member for Don't Waste Michigan and also worked a couple decades with the Nuclear-Free Task Force for Great Lakes United.

She is a long-time member of Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination and serves today on the board of the Thumb Land Conservancy.