The Deep State Wants You To Live in Fear
The Deep State Wants You To Live in Fear

All we ever hear is deficit spending.

WH on GOP’s proposed Debt Ceiling legislation.

“A reckless attempt to extract extreme concessions as a condition for the US simply paying the bills it has already incurred.” McCarthy scrambles for GOP votes on Debt ceiling plan.

We listened to Kennedy talking about the tax levied on the poor people in America by printing money.

“House Republicans must take default off the table and address the debt limit without demands and conditions, just as the Congress did three times during the prior Administration.” We won’t ever pay off the debt.

It's all a joke that they are playing on the American people.

No plan to touch the debt from republicans and democrats.

Deficit spending is spending more than we bring in.

2023 taxes collected by the US government are down 35% compared to 2022.

But they are going to tell me that over 11 years that deficit spending will be down 4.8 trillion.

But it will cost 780K jobs to do it and we can’t risk the full faith in credit.

And we are just paying our bills.