James O'Keefe Project Veritas Explains How He was Removed From HIs Own Creation
James O'Keefe Project Veritas Explains How He was Removed From HIs Own Creation

This is an explanation from James O'Keefe the Founder of Project Veritas who recently explosed the Pfizer Sting proving Pfizer is creating lab illnesses to make injections to harm people and make profits.

It is clear to me at least that Pfizer got to the Project Veritas Board with threats and bribes to be cowards and remove their founder James O' Keefe.

It seems to me they caved.

This is even more proof it seems that Pfizer is a criminal company and strong arming like Nazis or a mob to force their evil will.

James O'Keefe is a Warrior for Truth and deserves a medal.

Thank you James O" Keefe for your courage.

May we all follow suit.

Mankind is at stake