UN Food Agency Warns Malnutrition Rates in Afghanistan Have Reached Record High
UN Food Agency Warns Malnutrition Rates in Afghanistan Have Reached Record High

UN Food Agency Warns , Malnutrition Rates in Afghanistan , Have Reached Record High.

The United Nation's World Food Program (WFP) made the announcement on January 26.

'The Independent' reports that half of the country has endured severe hunger throughout the year.


Half of Afghanistan endures severe hunger throughout the year, regardless of the season, and malnutrition rates are at a record high for Afghanistan, Phillipe Kropf, Spokesman for the U.N.

Food agency in Kabul, via 'The Independent'.

There are seven million children (under the age of 5) and mothers who are malnourished, in a country with a population of 40 million, Phillipe Kropf, Spokesman for the U.N.

Food agency in Kabul, via 'The Independent'.

In August 2021, the Taliban takeover resulted in millions of people falling into poverty and hunger after foreign aid was cut off.


In response to the situation, the WFP boosted its delivery and distribution to reach 15 million with emergency food assistance and nutrition support.

Other aid agencies are also providing food, education and healthcare, but distribution has been severely impacted by a Taliban ban on women working.


The ban has come at the worst possible moment.

Families and communities don’t know where their next meal is coming from, Phillipe Kropf, Spokesman for the U.N.

Food agency in Kabul, via 'The Independent'.

'The Independent' reports that the ban was put in place alongside a number of other measures which restrict the rights and freedoms of women in Afghanistan.

The measures have drawn international condemnation and protests to have the bans lifted