The Fog of GOP War | Vought, MTG, Horowitz, Figueiredo Filho | The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE 1.9.23
The Fog of GOP War | Vought, MTG, Horowitz, Figueiredo Filho | The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE 1.9.23

After one of the most dramatic House Speaker selections and votes in America history, Kevin McCarthy was finally installed as Speaker of the House.

What were the concessions?

What happens next?

What can we expect from the House on the rules vote?

Biden visits the Southern Border finally as Brazil erupts into absolute chaos.

Russ Vought, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Daniel Horowitz, and Paulo Figueiredo Filho join the show to discuss.

The Charlie Kirk Show is LIVE on Salem Radio stations across the country and simulcasting on Real America's Voice.