Haunting Christmas Horror: "Lazarus" (Leonid Andreyev)
Haunting Christmas Horror: "Lazarus" (Leonid Andreyev)

"When Lazarus rose from the grave, after three days and nights in the mysterious thraldom of death, and returned alive to his home, it was a long time before anyone noticed the evil peculiarities in him that were later to make his very name terrible.

His friends and relatives were jubilant that he had come back to life.

They surrounded him with tenderness, they were lavish of their eager attentions, spending the greatest care upon his food and drink and the new garments they made for him.

They clad him gorgeously in the glowing colors of hope and laughter, and when, arrayed like a bridegroom, he sat at table with them again, ate again, and drank again, they wept fondly and summoned the neighbours to look upon the man miraculously raised from the dead."—Leonid Andreyev (Lazarus)