Hobbs Certifies Herself/FBI Infiltrates Twitter/Gavin+YeDolf | The Whiskey Capitalist | 12.7.2022
Hobbs Certifies Herself/FBI Infiltrates Twitter/Gavin+YeDolf | The Whiskey Capitalist | 12.7.2022

Today, we discuss Katie Hobbs certifying herself as the new Governor of Arizona over Kari Lake.

Not shady AT ALL.

We break down the new information that came out yesterday from Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi regarding The Twitter Files which exposed the corruption between the FBI and the former Twitter heads.

James Baker, former FBI General Counsel, was involved with the Steele Dossier, the Alfa-Server, and the “Russian Collusion” hoax just to name a few.

Elon fired him immediately after seeing that Baker had “vetted” the first batch of files without Elon’s knowledge before Matt Taibbi received the files.

We also discuss the latest interview that took place between Gavin McInnes and Kanye West and the new antics of YeDolf.

We have Alex Stein’s latest troll, a discussion about the Philly gas station owner that hired armed private security because he was tired of the constant violent crime, and we also have some funnies for y’all!!