NIGHT SHADOWS 11112022 -- The UN and the NEW 10 Commandments
NIGHT SHADOWS 11112022 -- The UN and the NEW 10 Commandments

So here we are at 11-11 and the warnings of trouble coming are in the heavens, but few are watching.

Earth Changes abound the world over, new records, erratic weather, dire prophecies and visions concerning America and her demise continue, election fraud continues, but America in still in the grips of communism and the United Nations marches on with their agenda 21/30 and is busy re-writing the antichrist 10 commandments at COP27, the return to law-keeping is moving rapidly and the Age of Grace is closing.

Daniel's 70th week approaches  and many say we are already in it, but no one knows for sure.

Then we have sudden deaths accelerating all over the world because of the Jab but everyone denies the cause and so on and on it goes, but we do know where it stops and more...