Part 4: Why Chrisitans Should Avoid Halloween
Part 4: Why Chrisitans Should Avoid Halloween

God is light and in him is no darkness at all.

(I John 1:5) Light, life, love, and truth are synonymous terms. These things all describe God Himself.

Jesus is The Light.

He is The Life, God is love and His Word, Jesus, is Truth.

These things are mutually exclusive to darkness, death, hate and lies.

If something magnifies darkness, death, hatred, and lies, we must ask ourselves...does this glorify God.

Can God be found anywhere in it?

You and I have a choice to make.

We either choose light or we choose darkness.

We cannot have fellowship with him and walk in darkness.

Once again...the Bible is so very clear...yet I personally know Christians that will fight for their right to celebrate the day of darkness...the day of death...Halloween.

In this series I am exposing this darkness with the light of God's Word.