Expert Tips for Trying Out the Mediterranean Diet
Expert Tips for Trying Out the Mediterranean Diet

Expert Tips, for Trying Out the , Mediterranean Diet.

CNN reports that the Mediterranean way of eating is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world.

It focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, healthy whole grains and extra-virgin olive oil.

It focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, healthy whole grains and extra-virgin olive oil.

It also cuts out processed foods and red meats.

Eating this way has been shown to reduce the risk for, diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss, depression and breast cancer.

It has also been linked to , stronger bones, a healthier heart, a longer life and weight loss.

According to CNN, experts suggest replacing one meal a day with a plant- or grain-based choice.

For breakfast, try Greek yogurt topped with fresh fruit, berries and a sprinkle of nuts.

Grain- or legume-based salads help to raise blood sugar slowly, which gives your brain the energy it needs to make it through the day.

Grain- or legume-based salads help to raise blood sugar slowly, which gives your brain the energy it needs to make it through the day.

Nuts, which are a great source of heart-healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, make a great snack.


Nuts, which are a great source of heart-healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, make a great snack.


When it comes to meat, fish and other seafood are consumed at least twice a week.

Both help to keep your brain healthy.


When it comes to meat, fish and other seafood are consumed at least twice a week.

Both help to keep your brain healthy.


For dessert, try fresh fruit, whole, sliced or grilled.

For dessert, try fresh fruit, whole, sliced or grilled