Green Beret Call from Jail is Deprived ALL Constitutional Rights - 4-3-2022
Green Beret Call from Jail is Deprived ALL Constitutional Rights - 4-3-2022

This MUST see video was taken at a rally in front of the Pinellas County, FL jail where 20-year retired Green Beret rots away since 9-30-2021 (going on his 7th month).

Listen in as a local Patriot group is appalled when Jeremy Brown calls in from the maximum security cell just behind them to update them on his captivity.

A total Constitution-loving, oath-keeping, American war hero, Jeremy recounts the many Constitutional rights being denied him as a tyrannical Department of Justice and FBI collude to keep him behind bars without due process.

This video will shock every freedom-loving American concerned about the state of our country.

Jeremy is a highly-decorated (including 2-Bronze Stars) retired Master Sergeant fighting for the rights of all J6 Political Prisoners and Americans as a whole.

This riveting and passionate speech will surely make you seethe and when it does, don't DO NOTHING....he needs your help.

You can help defend him and find out more about his story at his GiveSendGo by going to