Pelosi Boosts CCP, Olympians Debase Themselves in China, Jobs Blowout; Guests Dr. Gorka, John Carney
Pelosi Boosts CCP, Olympians Debase Themselves in China, Jobs Blowout; Guests Dr. Gorka, John Carney

On this Hawaiian Shirt Friday edition of Breitbart News Daily Podcast, host Alex Marlow discusses how more American athletes are debasing themselves and disgracing our country during the Genocide Games Olympics in communist China.

While the American people seem to increasingly understand how problematic China is, our institutions are still acting like it’s business as usual.

Nancy Pelosi, for example, suggested that athletes should not speak out against the CCP’s atrocities; perhaps she’d prefer they save their breath for criticizing the Bad Orange Man Donald Trump.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti claims that he held his breath when walking around maskless at the L.A.

Rams game last weekend apparently for hours.

An ISIS leader is dead, and Big Joey wants credit, but we won’t give it to him.

Facebook is getting slaughtered on Wall Street.

And the president of the United States refers to black people as “colored children,” apparently to prove he is literally prehistoric.