Snow-loving dog 'ignores' owner's plea to come inside during blizzard
Snow-loving dog 'ignores' owner's plea to come inside during blizzard

A pet owner hilariously refused to join his snow-loving dog in the bitter cold.Enzo is a Samoyed dog.

Samoyeds feel at home in the snow and are especially fond of activities like sledding and skiing.When Enzo got the chance to experience a proper snow day the dog couldn’t resist the opportunity.

His owner shared the humorous moment on TikTok.“This dog has 18 muscles in his ears and uses all of them to ignore me when I tell him to come inside out of the snow,” the pet owner said.Enzo sat on the front porch of the owner’s home as snow pummeled down.

The dog looked completely content as he laid down, buried in layers of frost.“This dog is not abused.

This dog is abusing me.

This dog wants me to sleep outside in the snow with him.

This dog has lost his mind,” the pet owner joked.The funny video racked up 520.6 million views on TikTok.“My mom’s husky screams so loudly when you try to bring him from the snow, the neighbors start calling,” someone commented