How to transition toddlers out of fun activities without tantrums
How to transition toddlers out of fun activities without tantrums

This TikTok parent shared a genius strategy for preventing tantrums when transitioning kids out of fun activities!.Stephanie (@themossmomma_) is a self-proclaimed “toddler mama” who shares useful parenting advice and adorable videos of her toddler on TikTok.The video begins with Stephanie’s toddler, Emmanuel, splashing around in a puddle outside of Stephanie’s home.Emmanuel is clearly having a great time playing in the puddle and has no interest in heading home.In order to redirect Emmanuel, Stephanie starts by giving him a warning and counting down to the end of his activity.At the end of the countdown, Stephanie says, “Our puddles are all done.

Emmanuel, it’s time to walk to the house.

Do you want to hop or skip?”.Instead of ordering Emmanuel to go inside, Stephanie gives him fun new activity choices to choose from.Viewers applauded Stephanie’s tantrum prevention advice.“As a pediatric behavior therapist, I approve this message!

Redirect and allow them to have choices they can do!

Yes queen!

You are doing the dang thing,” one viewer wrote