Mom and dad notice baby is too quiet in other room, realize she's cleaning the windows
Mom and dad notice baby is too quiet in other room, realize she's cleaning the windows

Federico and Lois Aragon (@aragonthemove) are parents who love sharing adorable videos of their toddler Quacey on TikTok.In one sweet and hilarious video, the Aragons shared the moment they caught Quacey cleaning the house all by herself.The video begins with a shot of Quacey standing by herself in the family’s living’s unclear what Quacey is doing, and from the video caption, it seems like she must be up to no good.

The toddler stands by the living room window, and appears to be looking out.Then, the camera moves closer to Quacey, revealing exactly what the adorable toddler has been up to.

She crouches by the window, a wet wipe in her hand.As Quacey wipes the windowsill with a wet wipe, a caption explains, “every time she gets a hold of wipes or tissue, she knows that it is for cleaning”.The video ends as Quacey turns to face the camera with a big, goofy grin on her face.Viewers couldn’t get enough of the tidy toddler.

“She’s a professional,” one TikToker commented