Woman slams husband over his ‘unbelievable’ lunchtime behavior
Woman slams husband over his ‘unbelievable’ lunchtime behavior

A woman is furious at her husband for eating a lasagna she made for her niece's birthday party.She went on Reddit's "Am I the A******" forum to explain the situation.

The woman spent hours making her niece's favorite dish.She told her husband not to sample any before the party.

Then, hours before the event, she found him devouring a plate of the lasagna.He felt he did nothing wrong."My niece's birthday was last Wednesday," the wife said.

"She asked that I make her lasagna cause she loves it so much.The day before her birthday, I got to work.

I went shopping for ingredients and spent hours in the kitchen to prepare it.

He asked about it and I answered this lasagna was made for my niece's birthday.I told him I made a family-size portion so we could all eat together there at my parents' house.I asked him to please not touch it, and he said he won't.

He fell asleep on the couch after checking his phone as I went upstairs to get stuff done.I came downstairs to wake him up to go to my parents' and found him already sitting up with a plate in hand.

He took a piece of the lasagna and ate it".The husband said he couldn't wait until they went to her parents' house because being there made him lose his appetite.

."I called him unbelievable cause he ruined how the lasagna looked when he cut the middle of it and messed it up by [being] a kid," she explained."I spent time, money [and] effort on it, and he casually said, 'No big deal.'

But to me, it is, especially since I told him this was for my niece's party.He said I was overreacting and needed to chill because he was hungry and it's not like he ate the whole thing.And then [he] suggested I stop by the supermarket and grab one if it's that 'important,' as he quoted with his fingers.We got into an argument over this and he ended up not going, saying it's because of how I treated him over lasagna.When I got home, he kept giving me [the] cold shoulder, didn't even ask how things went after what he did" .Reddit users thought the husband was entirely to blame ."I would honestly rather be alone forever than marry a man who treated me this way," one person commented."This type of entitled nonsense blows my mind," another wrote.

."I can’t figure out why anyone would start in the middle of a pan of lasagna!" a user said.