TikTok is obsessed with frozen honey — here's how to make it
TikTok is obsessed with frozen honey — here's how to make it

TikTok is obsessed with frozen honey — here's how to make it.TikTok is obsessed with frozen honey — here's how to make it.If you want a natural way to satisfy that sweet tooth, this latest viral snack will definitely do the trick.If you want a natural way to satisfy that sweet tooth, this latest viral snack will definitely do the trick.The hashtag #frozenhoney currently has over 206 million views.

People are trying this easy hack to turn ordinary honey into a yummy, refreshing treat.As @beccabright2002 demonstrated in a video, to make frozen honey, all you have to do is pop your honey container in the freezer.As @beccabright2002 demonstrated in a video, to make frozen honey, all you have to do is pop your honey container in the freezer.You'll want to avoid using honey in a glass container because you want a bottle you can squeeze.

Just let the honey freeze overnight.When it's frozen, squeeze the bottle to release a solid tube of honey jelly that you can eat like a popsicle.Now, of course, it's straight-up honey, so this snack is super sweet.While honey is quite sugary, it does have some health benefits, especially if it's raw.According to Healthline, it's rich in antioxidants that can lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels.it has phenols that reduce the risk of heart disease.So frozen honey jelly might be worth a try at least once