The problem with ‘midsize’ fashion
The problem with ‘midsize’ fashion

For people whose clothing size lingers somewhere between straight-size and plus-size.feeling represented in stores and in media can be a challenge, even though the average American woman wears between a size 16 and 18.The term “midsize,” which is typically used to describe the nebulous zone between a size 12 and a size 18, .has exploded with popularity in the past few years — especially on TikTok.Midsize creators, who have generated more than 1.1 billion views on that one platform alone, .explore the realities of shopping, styling and navigating the world with an average-sized body.But The term “midsize” itself has been criticized by fat activists.Some activists find that there’s a touch of fatphobia implied with the term .Multiple TikTokers indicated that the term “small fat” has been used to describe the concept of “midsize” years earlier.It’s just not as popular, presumably because the word “fat” is involved.The “small fat” tag on TikTok has a mere 16.4 million views associated with it — .just 1% of the 1.1 billion views garnered by its more widely accepted counterpart, “midsize”