5 amazing birthday cake ideas on TikTok
5 amazing birthday cake ideas on TikTok

In the social media age, a cake is a pieceof art meant to be shared with the world.These bakers prove that desserts can be high art toowith these 5 creative and delicious birthday cakes.1.

Roblox Cake.

Using a cake comb, a blockembosser, and a lot of frosting, TikTokerLiz Nicolaou (@loveisbakeable) transformsa standard cake into a gamer’s dream.2.

Mini Sprinkles Cake.

TikToker Lindsey(@lindseybakedthis) specializes in adorablecupcakes and mini cakes, and decided to makeone for herself for her birthday.3.

Castle Cake.

Featuring fondant,ice cream cones, and molds, this cake byMimo (@bakemydaymimo) has it all.4.

Dino Cake.

This adorable red T-Rex caketook a lot of patience and tools to make.Baker John (@johndenim) was inspiredby Jurassic Park, but wanted his caketo be a smaller, cuter take on a terrifying,havoc-wreaking dinosaur.5.

Starry Night Cake.

This cake is aperfect treat for an art history lover.TikToker Sara (@artofsuga) reallycaptured the Van Gogh painting