Teen shares her biggest ‘culture shocks’ from an Australian high school
Teen shares her biggest ‘culture shocks’ from an Australian high school

An American teenager is going viral after sharing the biggest culture shocks she faced in the Australian high school system.Lara Fourie, 18, first moved from the U.S. to Australia in 2017, according to BuzzFeed.Since then, she’s joined the long tradition of TikTokers explaining the cultural differences they’ve noticed while getting used to a new place.One series in particular breaks down the “biggest differences” the TikToker noticed between American schools and her new Australian high school.For one, the teen was surprised to find that, in Australia, she got an hour-long lunch, plus a 20-minute “recess” break.

That compared to just 45 minutes for her lunch in America.the students at Fourie’s new school typically eat outside.

Her American lunches were always indoors.

She found the food options to be a lot better in Australia.Some of Fourie’s differences were smaller — like the fact that Australians call math class “maths class,” or that they say “toilet” instead of “restroom”.TikTokers from both countries have flooded to the comments of Fourie’s clips.

Many users called the changes big “culture shocks”