Give Your Work-From-Home Routine a Makeover
Give Your Work-From-Home Routine a Makeover

Give Your Work-From-Home Routine , a Makeover.

Even if you've been working remotely since before the pandemic.

These work-from-home routine makeover tips can help you with a little upgrade.

1, Upgrade your caffeine ritual.

Pour-over coffee and homemade syrups for your latte are just a couple of ways you can enhance that vital cup of joe.


, Consider a portable desk.

Lap desks for your laptop allow you to move from room to room with minimal disruption to your work flow.


, Add some background noise.

Water or nature sounds in the background can help drown out other distracting noises and improve your focus.

4, Embrace the snack.

Preparing healthy snacks help to break up the day and give your mind some unwind time.

5, Don't forget to stretch.

A little stretching can go a long way towards helping to counter-balance hours in front of a computer screen