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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Upholding Constitutional Rights, Integrity and Strong Borders: Mike Ezell's Official Announcement in

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Upholding Constitutional Rights, Integrity and Strong Borders: Mike Ezell's Official Announcement in
Upholding Constitutional Rights, Integrity and Strong Borders: Mike Ezell's Official Announcement in

Upholding Constitutional Rights, Integrity and Strong Borders: Mike Ezell's Official Announcement in Bid for Mississippi's 4th District U.S. Congressional Seat

Biloxi richard zola news 25 ...- it's official!- jackson county sheriff and- long-time south mississippi law- enforcement officer mike ezell- has announced his - next intended move in public- service.- today, ezell formally announced- he is running for - mississippi's 4th district- congressional seat in u-s - congress come 2022.

- news 25's toni miles takes us t- the steps of the jackson county- courthouse in pascagoula where- the announcement- was made in a press conference- this morning.

- - he's been the first in line to- roll up his sleeve and give - blood...- on the scene to comfort victims- of crime during his 41 years in- law enforcement...- and on this day, jackson county- sheriff mike ezell threw his- hat in the ring - making the- official announcement - of his bid to run for - mississippi's fourth district - congressional - seat in the united states - congress.

- mike ezell, candidate,- mississippi 4th district- congressional seat, u.s.- congress: - "america must be a country wher ethics and integrity still- matter or else we will- see corruption spin out of- control.

We can't be a country- of if we turn a blind eye to- - - - political favors and politics a- usual."

An assessment long time banker- greg cronin agrees with-and - just one reason why he's backin- - - - ezell in this upcoming race.- greg cronin, ezell supporter: - "as americans we're looking for leaders - who will go to washington.

I- think a lot of us are frustrate- with what we see- going on in washington today.

W- are all looking for leaders,- - - - again, people with integrity, - character and intelligence-and- keeping main street in- focus than maybe what they thin- about and do in washington all- the time."

Also topping ezell's agenda - - upholding constitutional- rights and strong borders.- mike ezell, candidate,- mississippi 4th district- congressional seat, u.s.- congress: "we can't have strong borders if- politicians in washington refus- to enforce border laws."

Toni miles: "during the press conference, ezell said his- experience as a law - enforcement and sheriff equips- him to tackle and address issue- important to- mississippians."

Mike ezell, candidate,- mississippi 4th district- congressional seat, u.s.- congress: "i've seen so many things that have - gone on during my career for 41- years just from - various problems that come up - from being a member of- - - government.

I will take all tha- experience with me to solve as- many problems as i can for sout- mississippi."

Mississippi's fourth- congressional seat is currently- held by republican- representative steven palazzo.- ezell is the only republican- candidate who has officially- announced his bid for the seat,- although palazzo and former - republican challenger carl- boyanton have announced their - intent to run.- independent graham hudson and - libertarian party candidate - alden johnson have officially - filed to run in the november- 8th, 2022 general election.

- the primary election is set for- june 7th, 2022.

- in pascagoula, toni miles, news- 25.


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