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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dad falls from a tree branch into a lake - forcing him to drive home in his underwear

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Dad falls from a tree branch into a lake - forcing him to drive home in his underwear
Dad falls from a tree branch into a lake - forcing him to drive home in his underwear

A family were in hysterics after their dad fell from a tree branch into a lake - forcing him to drive home in his underwear. Chris and Dorota Jablonska had been out for a family walk along the Lake District with their children Oskar, 13, and Isabell, nine.Returning to their car, they spotted a group of teenagers using a tree swing near the water, leaving Oskar desperate to try it himself.Adventurous dad Chris Jablonski, 36, decided he would attempt the swing first to check it was safe and the results were hilarious.In a video clip filmed by giggling wife Dorota, 39, plucky machine operator Chris can be seen clinging to a long stick attached to a piece of rope as he pushes away from a rock.Pulling his knees into his chest, it appears gravity gets the better of the dad-of-two and he loses grip on the stick and plunges into the icy water below.Onlookers, including Chris' family, can be heard shrieking and laughing as the unlucky father momentarily disappears from view underneath the surface of the lake.Poor Chris emerged from the lake soaking wet and retreated from the water back towards dry land where his family were waiting.His unexpected swim left him with a broken phone and no choice but to drive a long two hours back to their home in Timperley, Manchester, in just his UNDERWEAR.Admin assistant Dorota said: "Chris is absolutely fine - his dip in the lake gave us such a good laugh!"We'd been visiting Rydal Cave and on the way back to the car, we saw students swinging over the lake which looked really cool."Oskar wanted to have a go on the swing and Chris said he'd go first.

I quickly started filming and I'm glad I did because there was a huge splash!"All of the students were still there as well and all of us couldn't stop laughing.

It was a memory we will never forget!"Chris added: "The water almost sucked me under, I was absolutely freezing and then I had to drive a two hour journey home in my underwear as well!"I was a bit frustrated because my phone got soaked up and broke unfortunately, but we did all have a big laugh as well - it was pretty memorable."It was filmed on March 6 near Rydal Cave, Ambleside, Cumbria.               

A family were in hysterics after their dad fell from a tree branch into a lake - forcing him to drive home in his underwear.

Chris and Dorota Jablonska had been out for a family walk along the Lake District with their children Oskar, 13, and Isabell, nine.Returning to their car, they spotted a group of teenagers using a tree swing near the water, leaving Oskar desperate to try it himself.Adventurous dad Chris Jablonski, 36, decided he would attempt the swing first to check it was safe and the results were hilarious.In a video clip filmed by giggling wife Dorota, 39, plucky machine operator Chris can be seen clinging to a long stick attached to a piece of rope as he pushes away from a rock.Pulling his knees into his chest, it appears gravity gets the better of the dad-of-two and he loses grip on the stick and plunges into the icy water below.Onlookers, including Chris' family, can be heard shrieking and laughing as the unlucky father momentarily disappears from view underneath the surface of the lake.Poor Chris emerged from the lake soaking wet and retreated from the water back towards dry land where his family were waiting.His unexpected swim left him with a broken phone and no choice but to drive a long two hours back to their home in Timperley, Manchester, in just his UNDERWEAR.Admin assistant Dorota said: "Chris is absolutely fine - his dip in the lake gave us such a good laugh!"We'd been visiting Rydal Cave and on the way back to the car, we saw students swinging over the lake which looked really cool."Oskar wanted to have a go on the swing and Chris said he'd go first.

I quickly started filming and I'm glad I did because there was a huge splash!"All of the students were still there as well and all of us couldn't stop laughing.

It was a memory we will never forget!"Chris added: "The water almost sucked me under, I was absolutely freezing and then I had to drive a two hour journey home in my underwear as well!"I was a bit frustrated because my phone got soaked up and broke unfortunately, but we did all have a big laugh as well - it was pretty memorable."It was filmed on March 6 near Rydal Cave, Ambleside, Cumbria.

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