We're Raising Our Kids With No Gender | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY
We're Raising Our Kids With No Gender | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY

A THROUPLE are bringing up their two-year-old baby as 'theyby', a term that refers to gender neutral parenting where the baby isn't outwardly identified by its parents as either a boy or a girl.

Baby Sparrow follows in the footsetps of their 10-year-old sibling, Hazel , who was initially brought up as a girl but came out themselves as non-binary aged just four.

Hazel and Sparrow are looked after by three parent figures: Ari, Gwendolyn and Brynnifer, who themselves are either non-binary and/or transgender.

While the family, from Orlando, Florida, lives within a supportive community, online critics have argued it’s no wonder the children are ‘confused’ about their gender.