Rupture in ammonia pump led to IFFCO gas leak: Unit Head
Rupture in ammonia pump led to IFFCO gas leak: Unit Head

Two people died after a gas leak took place in Uttar Pradesh's IFFCO (Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited) plant in Prayagraj on December 22.

On the incident, IFFCO Unit Head Phulpur, MM Ahmad said, "The incident took place on December 22, at around 10:15 pm.

One of the cleanser ammonia pumps leaked as its cleanser detached.

An ammonia cloud was formed in a small area.

2 officers died while tackling this situation.

And along with them, around 16 people got affected.

Of 16, 6 have been admitted in Allahabad's hospital and their condition is stable.

The remaining 10 are admitted in local township hospital, of which 2 have been discharged."