Puja pandal in Kolkata replaces Durga idol with woman migrant worker
Puja pandal in Kolkata replaces Durga idol with woman migrant worker

Kolkata's Behala Barisha Club replaced Durga idol with a woman migrant worker portraying her hardship during covid-19 pandemic to paid tribute to them.

They installed the statue to highlight the plight of migrant workers who were left without jobs.

They were forced to walk hundreds of kilometres home as the country went into a coronavirus lockdown.

The statue shows a saree-clad mother with her child Kartik on her hip.

Behind the statue of the mother are her two daughters.Together, the mother and her children will be seen walking towards the image of Ma Durga - a halo with 10 hands."The pandal is based on theme of life of migrant workers and what they have faced during coronavirus lockdown," said President of the Pandal, Sudip.