Ferrari catches fire on Bavarian road
Ferrari catches fire on Bavarian road

This is the moment German firefighters extinguish the flames on a burning Ferrari supercar after it caught alight while driving on an idyllic Bavarian country road.The incident took place near the town of Lauf an der Pegnitz in the district Nurnberger Land in the southern German state of Bavaria on 3rd October.The 51-year-old Ferrari owner was driving along a pleasant country road when smoke suddenly started billowing out of the vehicle’s engine.The driver stopped the Ferrari and jumped out of the burning vehicle to save himself from injury.He then had to look on aghast as his EUR-350,000 (GBP-317,545) supercar burned up in front of his eyes.Firefighters arrived on the scene from the nearby areas of Dehnberg, Heuchling, and Simonshofen, but the yellow Ferrari was already completely on fire.Firefighters extinguished the flames using foam and while wearing full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).