Kids are telling their parents to 'shut up' in the latest bone-chilling TikTok trend
Kids are telling their parents to 'shut up' in the latest bone-chilling TikTok trend

The “Shut Up Challenge,” simply put, has young TikTok users bravely telling one of their parents to be quiet as another looks on.Typically, a mom or dad will ask their child to do something for them like clean their room or do the laundry, and the child replies with “shut up”.They’re both in on the joke — the focus of the prank is to see how a second parent will respond to the disrespect.A video shared by wereenistogether, the mom asked her child to clean his room, and when he told her to shut up, the dad sprung into action.“We almost lost a kid,” the video’s caption said.In another video posted by mrsirbybabe, the mom asks her daughter to get the clothes out of the dryer, and she responds with a profanity-laced rant.The dad stands there speechless.

The mom can’t help but burst out laughing.“How did she not die?” one user wrote in the comments.The trend goes on and on for dozens of hilarious and slightly uncomfortable videos, and the responses have been largely positive