Poll finds it's possible to love McDonald's too much
Poll finds it's possible to love McDonald's too much

A OnePoll survey of 1,000 people in the U.K. .found that more than one in 10 people consider their significant other eating McDonald’s without them to be as bad as cheating.According to Mirror Online, one in five people interviewed said the taste of a Big Mac after lockdown would be better than a raise at work.16 percent of the group said eating a Big Mac after months without McDonald’s would be as exciting as the birth of their first child.13 percent said the experience would be better than their wedding day.OnePoll also found that 46 percent of the people surveyed said they would rather give up alcohol than McDonald’s.One in 10 would rather get rid of their cell phone and 29 percent would rather give up watching sports for a year if it meant they could eat a Big Mac right now.The Sausage & Egg McMuffin was the most-missed menu item.22 percent said they missed swinging by a drive-thru during a family trip .and 21 percent said they missed concluding a day of weekend shopping with a meal at Mickey D’s