These friends sue each other just to appear on court TV
These friends sue each other just to appear on court TV

A comedian and his friends are going viral on TikTok after going to great lengths to appear on countless court shows.Recently, comedian Ben Palmer — who goes by palmertrolls on TikTok — uploaded a video...explaining how he and his friends used to “sue each other so [they] could get on court TV shows”.In the past, Palmer says that he has appeared as both a witness and a defendant on “Judge Alex”...and as a plaintiff on “Judge Joe Brown”.For the “Judge Alex” case in which Palmer appeared as a defendant, one of his friends alleged...that he was hired to promote his event — Battle of the Beards — and failed to do so.On TikTok, where Palmer’s video has more than 1.7 million likes.people can’t get enough of the “legendary” and “genius” bit.In the comments, Palmer noted that though he’s tried to get on other court shows like “Judge Judy,” he was turned down.Palmer also noted that when he tried to get on “The People’s Court,” they saw right through his lies