Those interested in visiting Cambodia might want to save up before booking a trip there
Those interested in visiting Cambodia might want to save up before booking a trip there

Those interested in visiting Cambodia might want to save up before booking a trip there.According to the U.S. embassy in the country, foreign travelers are now required to pay a minimum deposit of $3,000...for “mandatory COVID-19 testing and potential treatment services”.Of that amount, at least $165 will be applied to the compulsory testing and broken down as follows….$100 for the test, $5 for the commute from the airport to the testing center and $60 for food and lodging while awaiting results .Part of the fee may also be spent to “support quarantine” if a person tests negative but someone else on their flight tests positive.In that case, every passenger on the flight, including those who do not have COVID-19, must be in quarantine for at least two weeks