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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Friday Block 1

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Friday Block 1
Friday Block 1
Friday Block 1

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Folks can't wait to get out to the ballpark to watch a game, and equally can't wait to get the kids out of house after a month-long quarantine.

The river dogs are ready to help.

And good to see you.

>> hey, how you doing?

>> love this idea of a baseball camp.

And have you done this before?

>> yes, we have done it before, but this year is different, and we have a lot more weeks in keeping the kids out and playing.

>> tell us more about this program.

>> yes, usually what we have are baseball players, but this year, me being a former professional baseball player, i'm going to coach them myself.

So we have college guys helping us out.

But yeah, we're going to get out there and play some baseball in the sun, and teach them how to properly run the bases and swing the bat and most importantly have fun.

>> absolutely, and make fun.

That's the charleston river dog way.

And i want to know more about the sessions still available.

Because i understand a couple of them are already sold out.

>> yes, we have sold out in the last two weeks.

But we have a couple of weeks available.

And they can go to

>> this is for both boys and girls?

>> correct.

This is for boys and girls.

We don't want to shy away from having girls out there showing the boys up by any means.

>> whatever boys can do, girls can do just as well if not better.

>> i love it.

>> and in the social distance era that we're learning about right now, what are some of the protocol that the charleston riverdogs going to be implementing during in camp?

>> obviously, we have to make sure that we're crossing all of our ts and dotting our is to be compliant with that.

But first, our coaches are wearing masks.

We usually have 150 kids at the camp, but we're cutting it down to 40 so we can have no more than 10 kids per group, so we don't have super big gatheringst sharing any equipment.

And no cups are being shared.

And so many things we're doing, i can go on and on.

And we have a flyer for everybody, and a documented letter for everybody signing up.

>> okay, and can you give us an idea as to the cost of the programs?

>> yes, so the full week is 250.

And you can also -- let's just say that you want to do one day, you may have something planned for your family.

And the 7 days.

>> so you can do the full week or choose the day.

>> correct.

>> and it's going to be at joe riley park obviously.

And how in the sign-up process, what should parents do to get their kids signed up?

>> the parents can go to, and they can use the link to sign up for the baseball catches.

>> and you also have a chef camp, a cooking catch.

>> -- camp.

>> yes, we do, and we're taking a week off the baseball camp.

Chef josh shae is teachingbility kids how to cook, and teaching them how things are made.

How ketchup is made and all of these things that me myself i didn't really know.

So its cool to see that he's teaching our young people that.

>> all of the things that we take for granted when you go to the ballpark, the red stuff that you squirt onto your hotdog, it came from a farm.

We're going to be talking to josh coming up in the next segment, going into the kitchen with him.

But the last thing i want to leave with everybody, you're going to be one of those coaches, and what's the first lesson you teach your athletes to be the best ballplayer they can be?

>> first, i love the way you said be the best ballplayer they can be, and a lot of times, we'll see kids trying to be somebody else.

And that's not who you are.

You want to be the best you can be and play as hard as you can.

But the one thing that i always want to teach every kid, i tell every kid you can dream to be a professional baseball player, and i don't want you to tell anybody you can't.

Why not dream to accomplish it?

>> beautiful, and wonderful way to end this.

I want to thank you, chris, great to see you and good luck with this year's camps much.

>> emily: thank you very

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