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Sunday, June 2, 2024

We need human connection

Credit: KIMT
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We need human connection
We need human connection
The impact of social distancing and social unrest is palpable

Bars and theaters.

As businesses gradually open their doors... people are eager to interact face?

"* to?

"*face... not through a text message, phone call or a screen face timing.

You might be wondering... why do people need to be around each other to feel satisfied?

Kimt news 3's isabella basco is digging into that question.


Katie and george ?

"* if you wak downtown... you'll see people are abandoning their screens for face?


"* face interac humans are built for social interactions.

Why is that?

I answer your question.

"we really didn't do as much quarantining as we should, it's just not in our nature."

In our completely unscientific survey... most people we talked to say they dislike being cooped up.

Dr. craig sawchuck ?

"* a psychologist frm mayo clinic ?

"* says there's science behind that.

"we look at the science of brain development and infants.

What's the first thing that infants do?

They look to their mothers so that eye to eye contact with a face is unbelievably important even in one of the more primitive stages of brain development."

Father nick mezacapa ?

"* an episcopal priest believes being together fills people spiritually.

"no matter what your religious philosophy is, there's a spiritual connection we make when we come together that a lot of people call the presence of god."

Dr. sawchuck believes months of self isolation contributed to the intensity of the protests that erupted following the death of george floyd.

"being in a confined space for a long period of time builds up that agitation, that irritation, and that frustration and it can come out, unfortunately in destructive ways."

We're just now moving into phase 3 of the governor's plan to reopen businesses and minnesota's economy... mezacapa says it's going to take time for society to adjust.

"we're going to have to re?

"* learn how to be together, we're going to have to be creative and i believe that we can be."

Saying human connection is integral to society.

Dr. sawchuk recommends as businesses reopen... be sure to be respectful of others when it comes to social interactions ?

"* ?

"* as not everyone might be quite as comfortable in that public setting as you are.

Live in rochester ib kimt news 3.

Thank you isabella.

Dr. sawchuk also says it's important to wear a face covering... wash our hands and maintain physical

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