Hairstylist has no patience for questions about ... hair
Hairstylist has no patience for questions about ... hair

When Twitter user Meggy B saw a hairstyle she liked on Instagram, she decided to DM the owner of the salon to ask about pricing.At first, Meggy’s conversation with Zoey’s Beauty Parlour seemed normal and polite until Meggy asked about extra fees for detangling.Detangling natural Black hair can be a lengthy process and needs to be done safely because it can lead to hair breakage or knotting.Salons will sometimes have a fee for detangling in-house, typically because it can take an extra 15 to 20 minutes for the stylists.So, it was normal for Meggy to anticipate that her visit to the salon might be more expensive than what was advertised.The account for Zoey’s Beauty Parlour is under the name Mrs. Klaus on Instagram, so assuming Klaus was the one responding to Meggy, she was wildly unimpressed by the basic question.“I lowkey hate when people ask me stupid questions.

Please do not ask me stupid questions,” Klaus’ Story read.Meggy shared the bizarre exchange on Twitter, which ended up being retweeted over 80,000 times.“Thanks for the free advertising sis,” Klaus told Meggy.

“Anyone with sense can see an edited conversation”.“I did not delete ANY of the chat!!” Meggy tweeted.

“I posted everything as it was and I am shook by this customer service!”.Apparently people on both Twitter and Instagram went after Klaus to prove that the messages were deleted by showing screenshots of her side of the conversation